Annual Report in English-21/05/24

For more details please refer to my English blog.

This year in our English has been a great journey, full of different activities to improve our speaking, writing, listening and reading skills. With a well-planned lessons, we used various materials and took part in discussions, debates and exercises. Here is a detailed summary of the main activities and topics we covered throughout the year.

Speaking and Writing

Speaking skills: Debates and presentations which included discussing various subjects such as hobbies, food preferences, sports and the importance of time.

Engaged in self-presentation topics discussion, including questions about personal interests and experiences.

Discussion topics: Explored topics such as the impact of homework, the effectiveness of various teaching methods and the importance of arts education.

Wrote short essays on the given the discussion topics.

Vocabulary and Grammar with Oxford Word Skills

We built our vocabulary by new words in different topics and covered important grammar topics such as tenses, question tags, relative clauses, reported speech and passive voice.

Reading and Comprehension

Reading Worksheets: Regularly completed and reviewed reading worksheets to practice comprehension skills.

Oxford Navigate: We used listening and reading materials from Oxford Navigate to further improve our language skills.

We also did lots of activities and worksheets from British Council.

We have made huge progress in our speaking, writing, listening and reading abilities through a variety of structured activities and comprehensive lessons. The skills and knowledge we have gained will benefit us in our future academic process.

Thanks to Ms. Mariam for guiding us through this educational journey.

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